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Groomer Life


$ 119.00
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Hello Friends,

We are honored to present The Love What You Do💜❤️ Custom Package at an amazing discount. This all-inclusive package takes the word “Deal” to a completely different level! It includes  the perfect mixture of amazing shears, tools and gear and is by far our most complete and fascinating✨package to date at this price

Payment plans are available so there is no reason to miss out! This is the deal for anyone with true passion for their profession!🕺. 

We love❤️ this particular deal so much because it is a true custom package that allows everyone to include their personal style and flair! It includes:

-A Name Engraved Shear Of Your Choice With Custom Pattern Engraving ($200.00 Value)

-A Matching Name Engraved Thinning Shear ($199.00 Value)

-2 Cool Custom Engraved Razors ($59.00 Value)

-2 Hand Screenprinted Shirts Of Your Choice ($50.00 Value)

-Black Custom Case $20.00

-100% Money Back Guarantee

A Custom Ring, Necklace, Koozie, Brooches, Shear Earrings and fun accessories ($59.00)


All in all there are a 20 items included in this set! for Only  It has a value of over $500.00 and we are selling a limited number for only $119.00 as part of our 2018 brand expansion campaign💪✨ so get yours before they are all gone you will not regret it. We have been blessed with the most awesome and loyal customer base anywhere and at this price stock will not last so get on board while you can it will be an awesome ride. If you are new to the family check out our reviews and our Facebook page. We have tons of amazing customer reviews and over 14000 likes on Facebook. 

Lots Of Love💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️

Your Freebird Team

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